
Waikato Touch Association we wish to inform schools due to the recent changes made by Secondary School Sport NZ and New Zealand Touch Association  [see link]  the scheduled Waikato Secondary School Touch Regional qualifier to be held on the 10 March has been cancelled. Unfortunately, we...

Athletics and Swimming sports have been the focus of most schools this month. This Friday sees the commencement of the various district [zone] Swimming and Athletics interschool events with King Country SS Swimming  Championships being staged at Taumarunui High School in the far south or our...

Due to health and safety concerns at Lake Ngaroto, the lake levels for cyanobacteria are five times higher than what is acceptable for recreational contact and use. Not wanting to place a risk on the participants and event volunteers or increase the load on the lake...

Congratulations to St Peters School for taking the three prestigious Secondary Awards at the Brian Perry Regional Sports Awards at Claudelands last Friday Secondary School Sportswoman of the Year - Charlisse Leger-Walker - St Peter's School Charlisse is a member of the Tall Ferns Basketball team that won...

There are a number of vacancies for School sports role in the Waikato region which can be viewed here Roles include Directors of Sport, Sports Coordinators, Strength and Conditioning coaches and Head coaches of various codes...