Event Endorsement


WSSSA is responsible to the Central North Island Secondary School Principals Association [CNISSPA] to provide them with guidance and recommendations around Waikato Secondary School Sports Events.  Dependent upon context  a WSSSAEvent”, is an interchangeable term  for all regular “Sports”, “Tournaments”, “Leagues” and “Competitions”


Event Endorsement – Purpose:
To ensure quality and safe sporting opportunities are available to our youth
To enable better planning from WSSSA, schools and sports codes
To gain an overview of secondary school sports events for promotion and avoid clashes of codes, major events and academic dates
To ensure participation opportunities are accessible and cost-effective to maximise engagement


Due to this, we request that organisers of a secondary school sporting events provide the WSSSA with proposed dates, days and duration of play, information regarding Health & Safety as appropriate for key venues and budgeted costs to students/schools as individuals or teams for the events for the season.


Once approved by the WSSSA Executive will place on the Official WSSSA calendar placed on this website.


 Click Here for Event Endorsement Guidelines 2025
Click Here for Event Endorsement Application and Budget Breakdown