WILSS are a charitable trust and training provider who deliver quality education to promote opportunities in leadership and volunteering. Their purpose is to help build capability of sport and recreation leaders and volunteers in our communities.
WILSS can support your junior learners by providing them with leadership development training as well as collaborating alongside your school structure by supporting with opportunities to step up and lead.
Our aim is to support sport clubs and schools to help develop their capability. We work with coaches, officials, managers, administrators, club committees and sport directors in both voluntary and paid roles. Check out the link above to find out about SmartCoach, Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU), and Connecting Sport Volunteers.
For more information, visit their website: About Us | Waikato Institute for Leadership Sport Studies (wilss.ac.nz)
Contact person: Kim Guest
Contact email: sport@wilss.ac.nz
The Coach for Life Foundation exists to inspire coaches to make a difference so that our rangatahi have more positive sporting experiences, resulting in a lifetime love and involvement in sport. Equally, our coaches will also be inspired to grow and develop themselves, and therefore stay involved in coaching for longer.
Click the images below to discover various online coaching resources