04 Feb This is ME NZ
Let’s talk about stereotypes! Click the link to watch and JOIN THE MOVEMENT!
This is ME aims to encourage, support and celebrate physical activity participation among women and girls of all ages. We want women and girls to be connected – to opportunities to get moving, to positive messages about being active, and to each other!
This is ME is a campaign developed by Sport Waikato that aims to encourage, support and celebrate physical activity participation among women and girls of all ages.
Research shows that there are a number of practical and personal barriers that stop women and girls participating in physical activity as much as they would like to. These include time, cost, injury and illness, concerns about ability and body-image confidence and fear of judgement.
This is ME aims to change the ways girls and women think and feel about physical activity while connecting them with opportunities to participate with their friends, children, whanau and workmates.
We believe that women and girls are inspired to be active by the role models in their communities and we want to encourage women and girls to find ways to participate in activities that they enjoy, in their time, and be proud to do things in their own way!