05 Oct Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa is an activation fund to provide physical activity opportunities for tamariki (children aged 5-11) and rangatahi (young people aged 12-18).
The fund aims to provide quality opportunities in play, active recreation and sport for those who are missing out. These priority population groups include:
- High deprivation communities
- 18-24 year old young women
- Maaori
- Girls and young women
- Disabled tamariki (5-11 year olds) and rangatahi (12-17 year olds)
The fund’s objectives are:
- Increase the provision and accessibility of play, active recreation and sport opportunities for tamariki and rangatahi (especially those who are less active).
- Ensure tamariki and rangatahi have quality experiences in play, active recreation and sport that meet their needs and are culturally appropriate.
- Ensure play, active recreation and sport experiences support tamariki and rangatahi to develop confidence, competence, knowledge and ongoing motivation to be active for life.
There are two funds available through the Tu Manawa Fund, a fast fund (up to $30,000) and Community Activation Fund (up to $60,000).
Applicants are required to identify specific needs and evidence for the project and outcomes that the project will achieve. We expect to see more evidence from a participant perspective in funding applications for Tu Manawa compared to funds in the past.
Funding rounds will close on:
- 1st November – Fast and Community Activation Fund
- 1st Feb – Fast Fund Only
- 1st May – Fast and Community Activation Fund
All applications will be decided by an advisory panel across play, active recreation and sport.
Successful projects will be required to attend Tu Manawa workshops, where support will be offered with respect to understanding the needs of young people, targeted communities and monitoring and evaluation. These will be held in the last week of November, February and May (depending on the funding round applied for) and the halfway mark for each project as defined in the contract.
We would hope to see projects that develop sustainability within their planning and delivery, which would ideally mean subsequent and future applications to Tu Manawa would be for lesser funds.
For a full overview of the fund and who can apply and what can be funded refer to the funding page on the Sport Waikato Website