
NETBALL NETBALL NETBALL! Kicking off the season with a Pre-Season Tournament held on the 13th of April, it was a great event to get rangatahi keen for the season ahead. Next up was the Mid-Season Tournament a huge shout out to all who participated, we heard...

Kia ora koutou, Waikato Basketball are holding a Basketball Coaching Workshop for Secondary Schools. This is a great opportunity to gain knowledge on how to facilitate training session, provide injury prevention warmups, Training protocol (safeguarding yourself and your players), and game day strategy. The event is being...

The Waikato Golf Association have held fantastic events this year. Below are the results from the following competitions: Inter- Collegiate Champs Day – 21st May 2024, Inter-Collegiate Teams Championship Day – 13th May 2024, Waikato Secondary Schools Match-Play Champs – 25th March. We would like to...

Halfway through the year, where has the time gone. The first half of 2024 we saw some amazing events take place and we would like to recognise all the rangatahi involved, check out our sports tab and select the event to see the results. Now...

The Waikato Secondary Schools Sports Association (WSSSA) endorse the Positive Vibes Only Campaign created by Sport Waikato. The goal of the campaign is to encourage, support and create a positive environment for rangatahi and the community surrounding our students in sport.  As we are all aware...

It has been a huge Term 2 full of Regional Secondary School Championships. With Summer sports finishing up at the end of Term 1, and Winter sports just beginning, our young athletes have been keeping busy! The Intercollegiate Golf Championship kicked off the first of our...

With Winter Tournament over, the school holidays coming and daylight savings started, look out for the beginning of the summer sport season. Through Term 4 there are also one-off participation days for Juniors, entry level sports to try and lots of fun opportunities for our rangatahi!...

Next week brings the start of Term 3, new sports leagues open for entry and a whole lot of National and Island Secondary School events. Keep an eye out for the weekly email updates to schools with closing dates for entries. On our website you will...

Term 3 brings some real winter sports to the calendar. Although Snow Sports organisers will be hoping for a whole lot more snow to come to the maunga soon! As well as continuing winter team codes, keep an eye out for Climbing, Equestrian and even Surfing!...